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Tune into the energy of what you want

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Tune into the energy of what you want

Step 1: Create your ideal environment

Find a quiet place where you can relax uninterrupted.

Dim the lights, play some soft music, sit or lie down, and get comfortable.

Step 2: Visualise

Close your eyes and picture yourself with the thing you want in the present tense — you already HAVE this.

What’s it like to have it? 

What does your life look like with it? 

How does it feel? 

How does it fit into your day? 

What do you love about it? 

What do you do with it?

Feel the energy of having it flow through you. 

See yourself in the moment, having, feeling, doing it, as if it’s already happened. It’s already in existence.

Step 3: Journal your visualisation

Grab your worksheet and pen and write down everything you just saw, or draw it if you like!

Go into detail, the more descriptive, the better.

Step 4: Clear any blocks

Remind yourself that if others can have it, so can you.

Remind yourself it can come to you in many different ways. 

Remind yourself you don’t have to work hard to make it happen, you just need to feel good about it.

Remind yourself that while it can be fun thinking of ways it can come, it’s not your job to make it happen, it’s just your job to feel ready to receive it. You might be surprised at how it arrives!

Record yourself reading your journal entry about your visualisation and listen to it on repeat as you do the more mundane tasks in your day. We manifest what we focus on, so focus on what you want!

Use your workbook, journal, or download the worksheet to complete your activity.