Put yourself into high-frequency mode
The better you feel about it, the easier it’ll be to manifest what you desire.
Start taking care of yourself and prioritising feeling good.
Start giving to others deliberately and selflessly, without expecting anything in return.
Start having more fun in your day-to-day life, lighten up and enjoy your day.
Nourish yourself with food and drink that make you feel great.
Get plenty of rest and sleep.
Tap into your intuition and take action when it feels right. Follow the impulse when you feel it.
Make your decisions quickly and don’t stress about whether you’re making the right one — you can make another decision or change your mind at any time.
Finally, when you look in the mirror, tell yourself, “I love you so much” and truly mean it, without judgement.
Use your workbook, journal, or download the worksheet to complete your activity.