Clarity Activity
Step 1:
Using the worksheet, write a list of everything you desire! Nothing is too big or too small. Fill the page if you want to!
Step 2:
Choose one from the list and write more about it.
Get as specific as possible. Write it in the present tense, as if you already have it and now you’re just taking time to enjoy it.
What does it look like? Describe it as clearly as you can, right down to the tiny details.
What does it feel like? Think weight and texture, how it feels to touch it, to hold it in your hands, to wrap yourself up in it.
What do you do with it? How do you use it, when and how often? How does it fit with your life?
Step 3:
When you’re done writing, grab your phone and record yourself reading it out loud and turn it into an affirmation. Listen to it on repeat as you go about your day. Or, when you’re in bed at night, hold the image in your mind and act as though it’s already happened. You’re in it. It’s here. And believe it has happened with unwavering faith.
The more you engage in either of these actions, the more it feels like your new normal, and feeling this way about it is how it will manifest.
Step 4:
When you’re ready, choose another from the list and follow the same steps for it!
Use your workbook, journal, or download the worksheet to complete your activity.