Navigating long term relationships

In this learning, we’re focusing on the journey of navigating a long-term relationship successfully. Relationships are a constant evolution and there will be times when you go through challenges individually and as a couple. Wherever your life journey together takes you, it’s essential to stay connected with both yourself and your partner.

Relationships can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging parts of life. It’s easy to lose sight of who you are individually or feel disconnected from your partner when life gets busy or stressful. This learning focus is all about providing you with the tools to navigate these challenges with grace and build a supportive, lasting connection that honours both your individuality and partnership.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to maintain a strong connection in your relationship through life’s changes
  • Ways to communicate more effectively with your partner
  • How to nurture your own growth while supporting your partner’s journey
  • Practical strategies for balancing individuality and togetherness in a long-term relationship

To get the most out of this learning:

  1. Watch the video (or read the transcript)
  2. Do the activity to reflect on your relationship and areas for growth
  3. Watch the session with Jackie and husband Ben Gillies talking about their relationship journey together
  4. Listen to your bonus audio resource daily to create a deeper connection and understanding of your life journey with your current partner or a future partner
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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons